class CommonBase

Common base class.


Public Methods

[more]const Derived_Class& getB(constIntermediate& c) const
a public member function showing links to argument and type classes

Protected Fields

[more]double variable
a protected member variable


Common base class. This could be a long documentation for the common base class. Note that protected members are displayed after public ones, even if they appear in another order in the source code.

This is how this documentation has been generated:

    /** Common base class.
        This could be a long documentation for the common base class.
        Note that protected members are displayed after public ones, even if they
        appear in another order in the source code.
        This is how this documentation has been generated:
    * /

    class CommonBase {
      /// this member shows up only if you call DOC++ with `--private' option
      int privateMember();

      /// a protected member variable
      double variable;

      /// a public member function showing links to argument and type classes
      const Derived_Class& getB(const Intermediate& c) const;
odouble variable
a protected member variable

oconst Derived_Class& getB(constIntermediate& c) const
a public member function showing links to argument and type classes

Direct child classes:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

This page was generated with the help of DOC++.