Configuration File

The configuration file is a simple ASCII text file. It consists in a list of assignment statements. Each statement consists of a token name and the token's value. The value is separated from the name either by a `=' sign or by an arbitrary number of spaces or tabs. If the value consists in a list of values these values must be separated by a space or a comma. The options are the same with the command line ones, except they have slightly different names.

By default, DOC++ looks in the current running directory for a configuration file named ``doc++.conf''. You may tell DOC++ where to find that file using the `-C' or `--config' command line option. Note that options that are set in the configuration file overrides command line options.

Comments are allowed and may be placed anywhere within the file. They begins with the `#' character and ends at the end of the line. Options independent of the output type:

Instructs DOC++ to generate manual entries for every declaration it finds, no matter if it is documented with a DOC++ comment or not. The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ to use the C/C++ comments as DOC++ comments. The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ to parse HTML as formatting language instead of TeX. The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ to read the list of input files from FILE instead of command line. By default it's not set.
Sets DOC++ into Java mode, i.e. instructs DOC++ to parse Java instead of C/C++ (the default). The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ to ignore the `#define' macros. The default value is false.
Suppress the class graph generation. The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ to include private class members in the documentation. If set to false no private member will show up in the documentation (even if they are docified). The default value is false.
Turn DOC++ into a quick operating mode, which increase the generated documentation size. The default value is false.
Parse Quantel extensions. The default value is false.
Generate internal documentation too. The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ to produce TeX output rather than HTML. The default value is false.
Draw arrows from derived class to the base class when generating class graphs. The default value is false.
Sets DOC++ into verbose mode making it operate more noisy. This may be helpful when debugging your documentation. The default value is false.
Scan `#include'ed header files. The default value is false.
Sets DOC++ into IDL mode, i.e. instructs DOC++ to parse IDL instead of C/C++ (the default). The default value is false.
Sets DOC++ into PHP mode, i.e. instructs DOC++ to parse PHP instead of C/C++ (the default). The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ to produce DocBook SGML instead of HTML. The default value is false.

Options valid only for HTML output:

When this option is specified, DOC++ will use HTML tables for listing the members of a class. This yields all member names to be aligned. The default value is false.
Same as ``useTables'' except that a bordered table will be used. The default value is false.
Use the specified file as the footer for every HTML page generated by DOC++. This is how to get rid of DOC++ logos and customize the output for your needs. By default it's not set.
This specifies the directory where the HTML files and GIFs are to be written. If not set, the current directory will be used. If the specified directory does not exist, it will be created by DOC++. By default is not set.
Instructs DOC++ to write on each HTML page the file of the source code, where this manual entry has been declared. The default value is false.
Same as ``showFilenames'' except the complete path of the source file is shown. The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ not to generate GIFs for equations and `\TEX{}' text in the documentation. This may reduce execution time when calling DOC++, but note that DOC++ keeps a database of already generated GIFs, such that GIFs are not recreated if they already exists. However, if you do not have `latex', `dvips', `ghostscript' and the `ppmtools' installed on your system, you must use this option, since then DOC++ will fail setting up the GIFs. The default value is false.
This instructs DOC++ to reconstruct all GIFs, even if they already exists. This may be useful if the database is corrupted for some reason. The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ not to show inherited members in the generated HTML documentation. The default value is false.
Suppresses the generation of Java applets for drawing class graphs. The default value is false.
Generate class graphs for classes with neither base class nor child classes. The default value is false.
Don't show the members with zero-length documentation in DOC section. The default value is false.
Show members in HTML TOC. The default value is false.
Discard general stuff. The default value is false.
Instructs DOC++ to sort documentation entries alphabetically. The default value is false.
Use specified file as the header to every HTML page generated by DOC++. This is how to get rid of DOC++ logos and customize the output for your needs. By default it's not set.
Print the groups' documentation before groups. The default value is false.
Print the classes' documentation before classes. The default value is false.
Use the specified suffix as the suffix to every generated HTML page. The default value is ``.html''. Note that the suffix have to begin with a dot.
Use the specified file as style sheet for every generated HTML page.

Options valid only for TeX output:

Only generates the class graph. The default value is false.
Reads the TeX environment from the specified file. By default it's not set.
Only generates the index. The default value is false.
Adds the specified option to TeX's `\documentclass'. By default it's not set.
Adds `\usepackage{package}' to the TeX environment. By default it's not set.
Uses the contents of the specified file as TeX title page. By default it's not set.
Sets the minimum depth (number of levels) in TOC. The default value is 1.
Switches off generation of the TeX environment. This should be used if you intend to include the documentation in some TeX document. The default value is false.
Sets the output file name. If not set, the output is printed to standard output. By default it's not set.
Instead of generating a manual from the manual entries, DOC++ will generate a source code listing. This listing contains all normal C or C++ comments typeset in TeX quality. Every line is preceeded with its line number. The default value is false.
Do not print the index when starting a new section. The default value is false.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

This page was generated with the help of DOC++.