DOC++ automatically imposes a hierarchical stucture to the manual entries for classes, structs, unions, enums and interfaces, in that it organizes members of such as sub-entries.Additionally DOC++ provides means for manually creating subentries to a manual entry. This is done via documentation scopes. A documentation scope is defined using a pair of brackets:
//@{ ... //@}just like variable scopes in C, C++ or Java. Instead of ``//@{'' and ``//@}'' one can also use ``/*@{*/'' and ``/*@}*/''. All the manual entries within a documentation scope are organized as subentries of the manual entry preceeding the opening bracket of the scope, but only if this is an explicit manual entry. Otherwise a dummy explicit manual entry is created.
In addition to this, Java allows the programmer to organize classes hierarchically by means of ``packages''. Packages are directly represented in the manual entry hierarchy generated by DOC++. When a DOC++ comment is found before a `package' statement, the documentation is added to the package's manual entry. This functionality as well as documentation scopes are extensions to the features of JavaDoc.
Similar to Java's packages, C++ comes with the ``namespace'' concept. The idea is to group various class, functions, etc. declarations into different universes. DOC++ deals with namespaces in the same way it does with packages.
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes