- #foo#
- Corresponds to the TeX ``\verb!foo!'', i.e. outputs ``foo'' verbatim.
- @filename foo
- Force the manual entry to go to the specified file.
- {@link foo name}
- Make a reference to a manual entry with name ``foo''. The link name is ``name''. The second parameter is optional.
- \Date
- Insert the current date and time (according to the current locale settings) into the documentation.
- \IMG{filename}
- Insert an image into the documentation.
- \IMG[HTML parameters]{filename}
- Insert an image into the documentation.
- \IMG[HTML parameters][TeX parameters]{filename}
- Insert an image into the documentation. Note that if you are using TeX output you'll have to tell DOC++ to include the `graphicx' TeX package.
- \Label{foo}
- Make a label with the name ``name''.
- \Ref{foo}
- Make a reference to a manual entry with name ``foo''.
- \URL{foo}
- Make a link to the WWW page ``foo''.
- \URL[name]{foo}
- Make a link to the WWW page ``foo'', with the name ``name''.
- \TEX{foo}
- Include the ``foo'' TeX code into your document. For HTML output DOC++ will run TeX to process it, produce GIFs out of it and includes them into the HTML document. NOTE: this requires `latex', `dvips', `ghostscript' and `ppmtools' to be correctly installed on your system!
- \includegraphics
- Same as `\IMG'.
- \today
- Same as `\Date'.
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes